The program on which we work is called Matrix Calculator Pro 5.4. Generally, this program helps people to calculate matrices without more operations. Everybody knows that to calculate matrices operations takes a lot of time and many many operations. People should agree about calculating skills, then they can use the program to earn rubbish time. It is so significant today's life since techology is developed day by day, people should follow the developments of technoology.
Let's recognize the Matrix Calculator,
In the left side, the interface of the program can be seen. To start the program, firstly, a matrix or two matrices should be entered, then operations can done such as addition of two matrices, transpose of the matrix, substution of the matirces, inverse of matrix, multiplication of the matireces, maximum and minimum value of matrices, division of matrices, length of matrices, sum of diagonal elements, dimensions of matrices, conjugate of the matirces, norm of matrices, singular value of a matrix, popwe of matrix, rank of matrices and multiplication with a vector.
A matrix or two matrices, which are A and B, should enter to the left side like the picture.
Matrices can be entered as depends on the people. It has not a limited size, so the operations can be done by the calculator.
It is a example which is seen in right side, there is a matrix which is called A, and another matrix that is called B. A is 3x4 matrix, and B is 5x4 matrix. When doing any operation, the result will be seen in the right side of program.
Let's do some operations as an example,
Some operations in up is done like additon, substution, multiplication, and finding inverse of a matrix. To operate this things, just write a matrix or two matrices and press the buttons. Buttons can be understood clearly, and when locate on button without pressing, it will explain its mision.
There is also an example, there like previous example is two matrices, but the operations was done as a singular example since to calculate rank, minimum value, maximum value, transpose of a matrix and trace of matrix apply in a matrix. Therefore, there is no oblication to write two matrices. Please, be aware about the button which depends on the matrix such as if you do an operation on matrix B, please press the button which belonging to the matrix B.
All in all, Matrix Calculator is recommended everybody to calculate matrices easliy and quickly. Also, there is a link where can be downloaded, and let's try it. When mathematics and techlonolgy combine with each other, then it will be so sufficent for education and experience.
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