Especially, in series and sequences, there can be needs about higher derivatives. Everyone knows that calculating higher derivatives can be difficult sometimes, and propabilty of making mistake is higher in this time. Therefore, if people combine their information with technology, they can calculate the derivatives easily. It does not time more time, can have derivatives quickly. Not needed spend a lot of time to calcutate it, and can have more correct answer. This program is called Derivative Calculator
Let's look at the interface of the program,
On the up, there is the interface of Derivative Calculator. In the up of the program page, the variables such as x or y e.t.c. can be adjuctable, and then order of taking derivatives can be replacable. In the down side, there is a keyboard which contains terms of mathematics. Terms which are x, x^2, e, sin, cos, tan, cot, arcsin, arccos, arctan, arccot, and e.t.c It can be controlled from the keyboard.
Let's have an example for the program,
On the right side, there is a operation about second derivative of a funciton which is sinx*ln(x+1). The derivation is done to write by keyboard of the program, and then the second derivation of the function is calculated quickly.
Also, by buttons, people can have history of their operation which has been before. Therefore, not need to calculate again, previous examples are accessible.
In the picture which is left side, there is seen the operation that are occured before. People do not have to do operations again, the previous operations are always on their hand. Also, the most important thing of databases, all the information of derivatives are written with all details such as the funciton, order of derivation, and derivation of function.
Please be aware about the settings because the operation will be occured by depending on the options. On the picture, it is seen like the varaibles catagory, the order of the derivation and after the derivation, there is also numeric value of the derivation of a fuction.
It is clearly seen that technology helps us to do everything. The most important thing is combine information and technology with each other because if not have any information about the subject which is needed, then people cannot have helps from technology. The program is recommended to have these things, and please try it. The link of the setup of program is located in down side of the page.
In the picture which is left side, there is seen the operation that are occured before. People do not have to do operations again, the previous operations are always on their hand. Also, the most important thing of databases, all the information of derivatives are written with all details such as the funciton, order of derivation, and derivation of function.
Please be aware about the settings because the operation will be occured by depending on the options. On the picture, it is seen like the varaibles catagory, the order of the derivation and after the derivation, there is also numeric value of the derivation of a fuction.
It is clearly seen that technology helps us to do everything. The most important thing is combine information and technology with each other because if not have any information about the subject which is needed, then people cannot have helps from technology. The program is recommended to have these things, and please try it. The link of the setup of program is located in down side of the page.
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