Everybody knows that technolohy has a very important position in life. Also, in education, it helps people to do someting which they need. The program which will indroduce is called Graphing Calculator 3D. The program provides us to draw a graph easily. The difficulties of drawing graph in classic way is known since to plot the graph many operations should be done such as finding critical points, assymptotes, first derivatine and second derivatives and determine the function where the function concave down or concave down. However, it will seen sketching graph so easy without this things.
Let's observe the interface of the program,
There is two functions on the pictures. It is x=f(y)=1/y graph and y=f(x)=sinx graph. It is plotted quickly and so easy. Just, write functions, and operate the settings like thickness of line or plane, and limits of graphs. That is for all, when do them, then the graph will be okay. On the picture, it is also seen the intersection points and coordinates, and also it can be observed in graph.
There is no lines because it is 3D, so there is planes. There is funcitions as z=y^2, x=6y, and y=x^2+3z. Then there is planes on the graph. Although the functions are complex, the planes is drawn easily without no problem. People can be aware about the intersection points of all planes, and can rotate the planes. Therefore, all of the locations can be accessible.
Let's observe the interface of the program,
On the picture, there is a part to write funcitons, and then the view of graph like 2D or 3D, colours of planes and lines, cordinates, type of lines or planes, and trasparentsy can be adjustable. Also, the planes or lines which is drawn can be played and all cordinates can ben seen on the middle side of page. Cordinates can be seted as a cartesian, cylindirical and spherical. As it seen, using this program and drawing graph is so easy, and in 3D cordinate system, the intersection of graps or planes can be seen, and it will be sufficent to calculate area or volume.
Let's have an example about 2D,

Let's have an example about 3D,

Hopefully, the explanation of the program is understandablee, and everybody wants to use the program to sketch a graph. After trying, they will be also aware about usefulness of the program. Also, there is a link where can be downloaded, and a way to try it. Should not be forgetten, the operations which are there, take a lot of time to calculate operations to draw a graph. Technology helps people to do them easily.
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